Imagine 70.000 people gathering for 10 days in the desert of Nevada, 4 hours North of Reno, far from civilisation. People coming to Black Rock City fill the space with creativity – appealing to all of your senses. Wherever you look you will find some form of art, sounds travelling from near and far, curious smells entering your system while the sun caresses your dusty skin…

Wouldn’t you feel intrigued to be part of Burning Man – one of the most popular festivals on this planet? Yet, you may still be in doubt whether this event is right for you. Admittingly, it has a reputation for drug and alcohol abuse that has caused the death of a number of people over the years. I was in the same space a few years back. And as someone who is neither into drugs nor alcohol, I questioned whether it was the right investment of my time, energy and money to go to Burning Man. However, as I kept bumping into people who passionately shared their experiences, the desire to go to Black Rock City grew. I simply wanted to make up my own mind and find out for myself what Burning Man is all about.

Finally, in 2016 the stars aligned, and I decided to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

But where to start when you are a first-time burner living in Sydney, Australia which makes the logistics appear really challenging? I had little ideas on how to get my ticket, organise my camping gear, food, water, transport, etc. So, I reached out to the people who had been through this journey before and did lots of research on how to prepare for this trip. To make your task a little easier, I have put together the essential information that will hopefully give you a head start – should you feel the calling to go to Burning Man.

What is Burning Man and why go?

Let’s take a step back and look at the history of this festival for a moment. Burning Man has been running since 1986. What started as a small gathering would soon turn into a significant movement promoting an alternative lifestyle. This annual event is based on 10 principles that all attendees agree to adhere to. 
These principles make Burning Man very different to your average festival where people (after purchasing their tickets) feel rather entitled to be entertained.

Burning Man, on the other hand, would not happen if it wasn’t for the endless efforts that each and every attendee puts into building the camps, creating arts, and contributing to the gift-based economy – each in their own way. Burning Man, therefore, provides a unique opportunity to co-create, engage and self-express; to experience things unimagined, to connect with like-minded people from all over the world, to expand your mind and to enhance your personal growth. It is an invitation to step outside your comfort zone, feel comfortable with being uncomfortable and most important – open up your mind and heart to endless possibilities.

Burning Man, after all, is your creation – a different experience for each and every one.

It’s therefore almost impossible to define such an experience and it will always feel different. However, this I can say – Burning Man will leave a mark on you – and most likely will change your perspective on life.

If you are ready to start a new chapter in your life, Burning Man is the perfect place to embark on a new pathway. You will most certainly find inspiration to make the necessary changes wherever you are in your life right now. 
What matters most, is to come with an open mind, to bring curiosity along and the willingness to learn. It is best to leave all expectations and prejudices at the gate and simply drop into the space. Being present in the moment will help you make the most of this experience.

Recommendations and Reflections

Burning Man stimulates all of your senses. With so much happening 24/7, I often felt like I was on a natural high cycling through the playa admiring the creativity that is omnipresent. Add to this the sheer natural beauty that surrounds the festival, there will be times where you feel total bliss. In moments when the sandstorms pass through, everything turns surreal.

In this context, I do question people who come to Burning Man only with the intention to experiment with drugs. It seems to me that they are really missing out on such a unique opportunity when choosing to withdraw into their own world instead. While I can’t comment on drug use from my own experience, I would claim that this is something you might want to experience in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by people that are there to support you if needed. Why go through all the efforts to get to Burning Man and put yourself into a potentially harsh environment?

Fact is that people at Burning Man have died from drug abuse.

Also, keep in mind that your decision-making process may be highly affected by drugs. You may take a pathway that you later wished you hadn’t taken. Of course, we are all mature enough to make our own decisions. Which is the exact reason why I encourage you not to take drugs even if everyone else in your immediate surrounding seems to be doing it. Never assume that this has to be an unquestioned part of your Burning Man experience.

I had countless moments of pure bliss and happiness without taking any substances. And honestly, any additional stimulation would have ended up in an over-stimulation of my senses. My recommendation for you: Let your drugs of choice instead be love, beauty and creativity.

As a great alternative to alter the state of your mind, I’d recommend experiencing the magic of Burning Man through ecstatic dance at the 5 rhythms stage where you can easily hook up with like-minded people to co-create an unforgettable experience with.

My personal experience evolved much around the workshops that were offered at Burning Man. I have to admit that I am some sort of a workshop-junkie at times. The majority of the people I met at the workshops were on an inner journey of transformation:

A spiritual quest contemplating on the big questions relating to purpose, love and spirituality.

The beauty is that Burning Man has something to offer to everyone – whether that’s families with small children, retired hippies or young hipsters from Silicon Valley. Some people have been going to burning man for decades and keep coming back for the sake of connecting with their tribe, sitting around the camp and sharing good stories, little impressed by the craziness that is going on elsewhere. Why not interpret Burning Man as an invitation to explore your authentic self, meet inspiring people, while letting your hair down and simply living in the moment.

If you feel inspired and ready to embark on this adventure of a lifetime, read this post on how to make your trip to Burning Man happen in terms of ticket purchase, getting there, accommodation, etc.

Why NOW is the right time to tick Burning Man off your Bucket List
Why NOW is the right time to tick Burning Man off your Bucket List
Ever thought about joining the 70.000 people who annually gather at Black Rock City for the Burning Man Art Festival? Get a better idea of what Burning Man is all about and why you should go!
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